however, is on Macs. When Editorial sends their manuscript files to
Production, the endnotes are displaying with Roman numerals. The same file
shows Arabic numerals on the PC but has turned mysteriously to Arabic on the
I can change the numbering style by just clicking on the first endnote
reference and using the pop-up that appears to apply an Arabic style, but is
there anyway to change the default setting so that that happens
Probably this is just a weird Mac/PC compatibility issue that can't actually
be 'fixed,' but I'm not sure, so I thought I'd ask. Any suggestions would be

Word 2016 For Mac Change Footnotes From Roman Numerals To Numbers
Using Sections in Word 2007, Word 2010, Word 2013, 2016 and Word 2019 / Word 365. Word uses Section breaks to specify parts of a document that have different page orientation, columns, or Headers and footers. Section breaks allow the user to specify where the different formatting will begin and end. On a Mac (Word 2016): File Save As Template. In the Format drop-down menu, Word. This is how to make the change. Mac: Insert Footnote and click on Endnotes instead of Footnotes, then click End of section instead of End of Document under the Format section, change the Number format from Roman numerals to Arabic numerals Apply changes.
How To Change Footnotes From Roman Numerals

Feb 11, 2021 On the References Ribbon, in the Footnotes Group, click either the Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote icon. To adjust the settings of your footnote, including the numbering style, when to start and stop the numbering of your notes, etc., click on the Expand icon in the Footnotes Group of the References Ribbon. Nov 08, 2007 Production, the endnotes are displaying with Roman numerals. The same file shows Arabic numerals on the PC but has turned mysteriously to Arabic on the Macs. I can change the numbering style by just clicking on the first endnote reference and using the pop-up that appears to apply an Arabic style, but is.

Word 2016 For Mac Change Footnotes From Roman Numerals To Copy
Ken wonders if it is possible to change the default numbering format for endnotes from lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, etc.) to uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, etc.). While this can be done manually in the Insert Endnote dialog box, that takes several steps and a change to the default would be much easier and faster.