Tessellation Maker Free

Origami tessellation pattern generator that helps users create tilings and shapes that can be imported later on in more advanced image editors

Tess creates patterns for origami tessellations. It can generate archimedean, rotational, and other standard geometry tilings.

Intuitive interface

The overall layout of the program is simple enough for users to understand it in a couple of minutes. Users can tweak the pleat angle, pleat ratio, and canvas size with just a couple of sliders in the top bar, while more options are placed in the top left corner of the app's GUI.

Additionally, more options, available standard tiles, and 'Session' settings can be accessed from the row of buttons placed in the top bar.

Tessellation activities and games. Stem activity for children: make a tessellation. What is a mathematical graphic geometry tessellation? Tessellation Creator. Geometry Angle Games: Classroom Lesson Plan common core math ANGLES. Common core math grade 3-5 lesson plan for measuring angles. Vector Kids - Angles. Common Geometry Formulas. Tessellation Software LLC was founded in 2003 for the purpose of developing server-side infrastructure software far superior to existing technology including those technologies that have been accepted as standards and those that exist in the market place today. Then, the tessellations with one or two directions may have their motifs reflected. There will be also a type 1G (G for G lide reflexion) and a type 2G. Type 1G, the rooster:. Type 2G, the dog: Finally, tessellation types 1, 2, 3 and 4 may have their motifs symmetrical. We will have in addition type 1S, type 2S, type 3S and type 4S. Try coloring our new 'Angry Birds' tessellation.We have a new tracing paper tessellation tutorial.This one uses equilateral triangles, 'kite' shapes, and rotational (spin) symmetry.A review of Pam Stephens' and Jim McNeill's introductory do-it-yourself tessellation book for artistic kids roughly 8 to 11 years old. A tutorial for how to make a rubber stamp from a medicine bottle or the top of a.

Art-oriented features

Users are allowed to create all sorts of standard tiles present in the drop-down menu under the 'Geometry' button. From there they can alter the pattern format in the 'Action' menu where they can choose whether the model must be moved, decomposed, deleted, or to make it take the shape of a crystal. Afterward, the users can manually click on the canvas model and the desired action takes place.

Tessellation Maker Free Download

In case users need to select multiple canvas sessions, they all get saved under the 'Session' button from where they can be accessed quickly. However, tiles and patterns don't superimpose. Every time someone needs to import a new model he has to start a fresh new canvas.

Tessellation Maker Free

However, one of the main hurdles of the design is the cascade of popup alerts that invade users when a certain action is not allowed. Before rectifying a certain system mistake, every popup must be closed separately so the work can start again.

Projects can be saved only to PDF and postscript formats, meaning that later on patterns created in Tess can be easily ported in more advanced image editors like Photoshop and Corel.


Tess is a simple and useful artist companion, since it helps users create and modify standard shapes, and then have them exported in common formats that get easily supported by other editors.

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Tess was reviewed by Horia Despa

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Tessellation Tool

LabelExplanationData Type

The path and name of the output feature class containing the tessellated grid.

Feature Class

The extent that the tessellation will cover. This can be the currently visible area, the extent of a dataset, or manually entered values.

  • Default—The extent will be based on the maximum extent of all participating inputs. This is the default.
  • Union of Inputs—The extent will be based on the maximum extent of all inputs.
  • Intersection of Inputs—The extent will be based on the minimum area common to all inputs.
  • Current Display Extent—The extent is equal to the visible display. The option is not available when there is no active map.
  • As Specified Below—The extent will be based on the minimum and maximum extent values specified.
  • Browse—The extent will be based on an existing dataset.

The type of shape to tessellate.

  • Hexagon —A regular six-sided polygon with equal side lengths. Each hexagon's top and bottom sides are parallel with the x-axis of the coordinate system (the top and bottom are flat).
  • Transverse hexagon —A regular six-sided polygon with equal side lengths. Each hexagon's right and left sides are parallel with the y-axis of the dataset's coordinate system (the top and bottom are pointed).
  • Square —A regular four-sided polygon with equal side lengths. Each polygon's top and bottom sides are parallel with the x-axis of the coordinate system, and the right and left sides are parallel with the y-axis of the coordinate system.
  • Diamond —A regular four-sided polygon with equal side lengths. Each polygon's sides are rotated 45 degrees away from the x- and y-axis of the coordinate system.
  • Triangle —A regular three-sided equilateral polygon.

The area of each individual shape that comprises the tessellation.

Areal Unit

The spatial reference to which the output dataset will be projected. If a spatial reference is not provided, the output will be projected to the spatial reference of the input extent. If neither has a spatial reference, the output is projected in GCS_WGS_1984.

Spatial Reference